Medieval Life


Last week you began investigating the inquiry question, “What was life like in the Middle Ages?”  You learned about many different aspects of medieval life.  However, you may have a different perspective of medieval life based on the picture you see here.  What aspect of medieval life do you see?  Be sure to give evidence to support your observation.

119 thoughts on “Medieval Life”

  1. I see a small village have a party because there is a man dancing and another person playing the bagpipes and there are kids dancing and people are talking and eating food and having a good time.

  2. Life in the middle ages from what I see is that women get dragged around by men. In the horizon part of the picture a women is kissing her husband or lover. The townspeople are dancing to possibly the music the bagpipe player is playing. They either have outside pubs or thats a trading station.

  3. I see people holding guns,i also see people dancing and holding hands,And one person is holding a jar of honey it looks like.

  4. I see people chasing each other like the other person is in trouble or something. In the picture people look like this guy that is on the barrel sitting and a guy is running at the other guy trying to get him off the barrel.

  5. Life was harder in the middle ages. It was unfair for some, more fair for others. As you can see in the picture above it looks like there are some happy people and then there are people who are just sitting around doing other stuff. They also had it fair in medieval life. For example, they are having a festival or it looks like they are, there are people dancing and having fun in the picture as well.

  6. I see people probably town life having fun and dancing because I see people dancing and playing music because I see instruments.I also see people having a good time and not working hard.

  7. I see that in the picture many men have weapons, a sword, knife etc.. I think that life back then was kind of unexpected so men would always carry their weapons in case of danger.
    It also looks like on the left people are selling something or trying to gain money some how; one is I think asking the man with the big poles if he would like to buy the vase. In the back it looks like people are dancing and having fun.

  8. The picture seems to tell me that everything was really frantic because you never knew if someone could attack you. I also see that there are no machines to make buildings, clothes, or food. People in the Middle Ages had to make everything by hand.

  9. i can see in this picture life is really unorganized. i can see alot of people look like they are bartering or trading. this is a really active village.

  10. I would say normal medieval life i should say. People running, selling stuff, and even sitting around. This picture can even happen in real life just in some parts of the world.


  11. Just like the way everyone lives, there is trouble and there is good. In this picture it looks like the small woman is helping the children. Though, if you look closely on the surroundings of this small women she looks like she is hiding. She is under the table that five men are sitting on. In the background , the villagers are happily dancing around everyone and a couple are possibly just doing what other couples do.

  12. I see a guy holding a gun, I see a person holding a jar of honey, I see people holding hands and dancing,and i see houses.

  13. what i see on this picture is people having a feast ,people dancing,eating and talking. THese people look like they are having fun

  14. i see people dancing, running, talking, sitting. I think its village life because its a big village with people all over town doing their stuff. and thiers houses around.

  15. I would say normal medieval life i should say. People running, selling stuff, and even sitting around. This picture can even happen in real life just in some parts of the world.

  16. The medieval life here look like people are fighting for food.Also people are pulling each other like their is something important to see.

  17. What i see is the commons. People Playing games, playing with each other, and dancing.
    There is also a lot of fun happening in this picture.

  18. In the picture above I see the town life of the middle ages. I can see people running, playing music, dancing, and wearing clothes that someone would wear if they lived in a town or village.

  19. I see people that are really small and people that are absolutely huge. poeple wearing peasent clothes. I think that they are celebrating something.

  20. i see a lot of drama and confusion, i think theres a lot of work to be done and thats why everybodies in such a hurry

  21. Today is new and back then there was nothing to do they made up every thing that we have now so how did they know what do to back today happen.

  22. I see an aspect of a poor community in the medieval ages. You can see that a lot of people are on the street. Plus the officer might be running to catch a thief stealing because the community is so poor.

  23. I see people dancing and hanging out with friends and family. Them seem to have a fun time and I believe this is near the farm lands. Like i the villages close by. They might be having a party to celebrate something. Also everyone in the neighborhood comes out and enjoy it. There’s also food so I don’t think that their like really, really poor. Or it was just a gift from who they work for.

  24. Well, i see friendship, kindness, and other things like that. If I didn’t know anything about the middle ages, I would have said it looks better than it does now.

  25. In this picture it shows town life in the middle ages. The people in the image most likely live in towns because in my research I found that towns normally contained people higher class than serfs but lower than nobles. The people in the picture seem to be enjoying there life which probably means that they are at some type of party or social gathering, so they would have time in their daily lives to spare. In the city the civilians were normally serfs so they would be working throughout the day.

  26. Some clues that i see that prove to me that the picture is showing medieval life because of the people that are dancing in the background. Also because i see that mostly all of the men have swords. Everybody in the village has like old, worn out close on that don’t look very eligible. And i know that people who lived during the Medieval did not have very expensive or nice reliable clothes on

  27. To me people show that they are having a good time. The people on the screen look like they are dancing, and eating at the table, and people are also running around and some are playing different instruments. Everyone is having a good time.

  28. As far as medicine goes I think that it would be like herbs and soupy kind of stuff including leaves.I could see people going to the forest to find this stuff and make it or people making special food for the sick at home. I also think that it would cost a lot of money or the money that they used back then.Personally I think that the medicine should a little bit pricy but enough in which everyone could afford it.

  29. What i see in that picture a bunch of people having a good time in thanksgiving because Because i see a man holding some type of food

  30. What I see is town life. I say this because there is a lot of houses, a town church, and people but, not a lot of people. Also another thing i see is people trading goods. Also I see people dancing and having a good time.

  31. i see the life of peasants who live in a manor. There is a church in the background and the peasant houses are all together and the aspect of this picture is the good in manor life for a serf or peasant. Everybody is either dancing or sitting and talking.

  32. The people in the picture don’t look unhappy matter of fact they look happy. In my opinion you don’t need much or a lot of money to be happy all you need is family and the thought of not caring if you don’t have a lot but you still live life to the fullest. Back in the medieval times it was very hard to be happy but it seems like the people in the picture aren’t unhappy they seem like there full of joy…

  33. In this picture I see a lot of people celebrating. People are holding hands, and people are dancing, and music is being played. I also see people drinking and eating.

  34. In the picture I see villagers walking and running around a small area. It seems like they’re running from something like probably a raid, or a celebration or some other reason, and are wearing odd kinds of clothing.

  35. The aspect of medieval life I see in the picture is something is being celebrating. In the picture music is being played and people are dancing. Everyone is happy and eating.

  36. Their coming out of their houses to come and dance or to play a game and spend time with other people or to get to know some people.It might just be an important day day to celebrate.

  37. Life in the middle ages was difficult to a lot of people espetuali for little kids what i learn from how they live in the middle ages is that the kids where alway last in everything and that people try to burn the church but inside its really happy like people dancin eating and drinking but they still have time to sellebrte

  38. When I look at this picture, I see a lot of things. I see people choking, dancing, kissing,music playing, and a women talking to a little girl, and I realize that they are similar to people like us, modern day, they still have fun, – dancing and talking- out in the town, but the books don’t tell us that. It looks like they are dancing to some music playing, and everyone is happy.

  39. for the people it is harder for them because of there small tools but they got bigger tools and it got faster for cropping for the villagers.

  40. I see trade and everyday life in the lower class men. Think this because the people look like they are just carrying out another regular day. Also the man at the stand looks to be selling the contents on the table. There are also a man and a woman dancing in the background, which is like everyday life for the people back then.

  41. In this picture, I see a festival or a celebration of something. It shows people dancing and playing instruments and having eating and drinking. This picture shows that during the Middle ages, life was easy.

  42. Life in the middle ages was difficult because in the picture they are getting prepared for a war or they are getting attack.

  43. Life in the middle ages was difficult because in the picture they are getting prepared for a war or they are getting attack

  44. What it looks like in the picture is a whole bunch of peasants fighting over stuff that they need or trying to take over the kingdom so they can get more food.

  45. I think life in the middle ages is pretty hard because there is the wars going on and the taxes to pay. Its also pretty easy if you have a really good king that knows what he is doing which I mean by is a good army to protect and fight in wars, a fair equal amount of a tax payment, and a kind hearted king that cares about the people and the kingdom than himself.

  46. In the picture, it looks like they are in a village working together from my point of view. There is a red flag with fish on it so I maybe think that was their flag in the medieval time. Also in this picture it looks like they are dancing in their village.

  47. My aspect in the picture in the middle ages is that there is a lot of people looking and asking for food or water and people running.

  48. in the picture there is a lot of food on the tables and there are a lot of people more than usual and they are running eveywhere in the middle ages there is barely any food and a smaller amount of people.

  49. this picture shows that medieval life was difficult and hard . medieval life was difficult because f the way the people are fighting and arguing for the food and the other things they need to survive . it looks hard because some people killed each other for food or other things .

  50. It doesn’t look difficult because most of the men and women in the picture are in the bar looking at each other talking and laughing and only one lady is taking care of a child and i the background there are people dancing in some sort of festival and it seems like there are few people working but other than them there is no one working, its looks like most of them are having a good time

  51. I see people rushing and running everywhere maybe the war was starting and the fight has begun and what i learned in the middle ages was that very few knew how to read and write.

  52. i see most of the men in the castle are feeding the homeless and giving them shelter. One of the little girl is giving the mom a sword. I see that people are dancing to the song. two men are sharing there food and drinks and looks like their having a good time.

  53. When I did my research i found that life in the middle ages was very hard but in the picture life looked fun. It looked that way because there were people smiling and dancing

  54. in this picture i think there having a party or a feast they might of cot a big load of food or they are celebrating a win in a battle .the could also geting ready to do a riot to protest

  55. I see in the picture that the people are dancing selling and having fun what i don’t see is war like all the other pictures that were up in the last class.

  56. People were rushing and getting people out of their houses, saying that they were fast and kept moving. I see in the image people were dancing having a fun time, Like they are having a party.

  57. In this picture it looks as if the Middle Ages were a swell time and like everyone has “parties”. This looks like there is a get together of some sort, because there are people in the background dancing and someone playing some sort of instrument, and people are drinking to the left. This is some kind of celebration.

  58. In the picture it looks like everyone is having a hard time running around , arguements , also people with weapons . Also where ever they are its pretty small with a lot of people there .

  59. The image appears to have a handful of villagers who would appear to be hiding from some unknown entity which most likely were barbarians. The townspeople for example appear to have evacuated all the buildings and have multiple what appears to be guards surrounding them. Along with the guards they would appear as hiding behind a box which seems to be a form of cover.

  60. In this picture what i see is, maybe the center of town on a nice day with everybody doing their daily routine, and it also appears that everybody seems to get along.

  61. The aspect of medieval life that I see is fun. I’m not seeing work but people dancing, playing music, drinking, and running around. I see the time when everything’s calm and all work is done for the day. Just people relaxing.

  62. The aspect of medieval i see here is people being tortured. I see the guards being mean to the people. The guards are hitting them. I see the guards being evil.

  63. Here I see a festival and interaction. Maybe this is a time of celebration and reunion. Or even a marriage. This is more free from what I remember reading about them being stricter and more in control of whats going on around them rather than “dancing in the rain” so to say. In general I believe these people are having a rather happy time, but on the other hand, what I saw when I first looked was a general or someone with authority; beating a townsfolk. Which it could possibly be. However, that was just from a first glance.

  64. I see people laughing, eating, drinking, kissing, and running around and dancing so I think that they are celebrating something like a new king or a holiday or even a birthday or maybe a marriage

  65. In my opinion I see a town that is about to get attacked because I see people running. But i also see people dancing around and having fun. There is a guy sitting down and playing this bug instrument.

  66. The aspect of medieval life I see is city life. The evidence of my observation is that I see a few houses and a church.

  67. What it says in the picture is a village “dance” so when i think of it, this culture has a different dance. In modern ages, dances are different unlike this dance people dance in a different style and to different music. Over the years dancing developed into new dances. Each culture has a different one for example, Salsa originated in Latin America. So each country may have a different dance and most do.

  68. what i see is that the people have to help other s either way whether they liked it our not. They had a life to achieve under all kinds of danger.

  69. It looks like it is very crowded because everybody is running into each other. Also they look like they are in a hurry because everybody is like running, so maybe they are trying to get to work because it looks like morning time.

  70. Life was hard if you were a pheasant but very easy if u were a king. But you would still have enough to get buy

  71. In the picture I see what looks like villagers having a grand time dancing with one another and drinking. I also see someone playing the bagpipes and people listening, and people greeting one another at the table. It seems like in the Middle ages people had been able to have a good time and have some joy through all the horribleness that had been going on in the kingdoms. I believe that life was not as bad as is seemed to be, seems like people could have a great time and make most out of what they had.

  72. I think, according to the picture above, the Middle Age life was busy and joyful. I see people dancing, watching people dance, eating, talking, and playing music in the picture. It looks like some kind of festival and the town is celebrating something. It looks a little crowded but it seems everyone is having fun.

  73. I see just normal town life at a festival maybe. It could be a party for a war that was won by them. I think it is just a festival. IT looks like one is playing a guitar and one is dancing

  74. Usually when I think of Medieval Ages, the first thing that comes to mind is a time of difficulty. It was a time of difficulty because there were constant wars and battles, the Black Death, and many people didn’t understand science. Not understanding science, gave everyone strange ideas on how everything worked.

  75. This picture shows a different side of medieval life. The happier side where people are dancing and enjoying themselves with music and food. A part that people never mention. The celebrations after great victories and accomplishments.

  76. Based on the image above I can see that the towns in the Middle Ages were very crowded because there are a lot of people in the picture. Another observation I can make about the Middle Ages is that they like to have festivals. I made this observation because the people in the picture are dancing and look like they are in a festival. It also looks like the towns are dirty. So these are the observations I can make about the Middle Ages from looking at the picture above.

  77. In the picture I see a town full of people, helping the poor, men drinking, and a crazy town. I see how the people in the town are dressed, you can tell which one are poor, and which ones are wealthy. I cant tell but, it looks like there is a man playing music with a bagpipe.

  78. I see the war and rioting aspect of the Middle Ages. The people seem to be running with feared looks on their faces.

  79. The aspect of Medieval Life is that i see a hard time to live in. But in the picture it looks like to me that everyone is having a good time and having fun. And people just dancing around and having fun. And there, people are poor and the have to work their butt off to get food and shelter.

  80. Well according to the picture, I would think that this aspect of medieval life would be in the Middle Ages obviously but a specific part I would guess would have to be like, a time back then where they were successful in growing crops and equally trading items to help the peasants and families. I guess it was also a time to be with the rest of the residents in the village to celebrate or dance with others. But I;m not really sure.

  81. The aspect of the medieval life that I see is that there are many people in the town dancing, singing, and drinking. This picture seems happy and smiling. This is a life that we don’t see today because it is very different .

  82. I see people running and fighting for gold and food and people trying to steal from women and children But then again there is another point of view if you steady closely they all are actually dancing and drinking booze and having a good time while they play their instruments and dance the night away and the mom looks worried talking to her child but really she actually wants to dance with the little girl so really I see fear because of the dark ages but really you have to remember that they still have fun and still like to party.

  83. The picture looks very chaotic. It looks like some of them are racing each other to a certain place. It also looks quite crowded. The people that might be racing each other might be racing for some thing important. For example, maybe there was a bunch of money dropped by one person and the other person wanted to steal it. Or maybe they are celebrating. Or even maybe they are dancing.

  84. The time looks happy. They could be celebrating, because it sort of looks like they are dancing. The aspects that I see in the image shown are groups. It looks like the people are very social. It looks as if they are dancing, kissing, talking, playing instruments, stuff like that. I don’t know what they could possibly be talking about, what kind of music that they are dancing to. I see someone playing bagpipes, so some have interests in music and performing so that could be something that they do in their lives. The can be dancers, also performing in their lives. They talk, the people probably farm, clean, and communicate as well. From the image, I could see that they drink. I don’t know what they drink, but I see some people holding vase-like cups. If they are cups. I don’t really know if these are aspects or not. Those are just the things that I see. When I look at the bodies of some of the people, I could see that they carry a sword-like object on them. It might be a sword, but I can’t really tell from the image. That’s about all that I could really see from that image.

  85. When I got my research, I saw information that was similar to this. There was lots of land and little buildings that were places that you could buy or trade goods at. The clothes were just as I was explained. Bonnets, Aprons, and dresses, etc. But, one drastic difference is the way they are acting. They all look a little too relaxed and care free to be in the Middle Ages Era. I remember a huge plague called the Black Death that caused thousands to live in fear for a long time. There were also many wars and struggles against others to keep and claim land. There were a lot of invasions from the English, the French, Normandy, Icelandic, Danish, Scottish and others. On special occasions there were some celebrations. There were not that many celebrations at the time, but when there was, there were feasts and dancing and lots of frolicing.

  86. I see people that are happy and sum are dance and sum are eating there playing music and they are celebrating something.

  87. The aspect of the life is town life because it like a villages. With different people and family. It would city if there were knights i guess.

  88. The aspect of medieval life I see in this photo is the town life. I see some houses in the back, since the town had houses near by. Also, there is a crowd of people all around and as I read, the towns were very crowded. Lastly, I see there is some sort of guy selling things in the left, which in towns there were many merchants in the streets.

  89. there were a lot of people dancing and some kissing in the picture and everything in the picture looks crazy or very un organized, I see the part of medieval times where everyone is happy or having fun or being themselves and not caring what anyone else thinks.

  90. The aspect of middle life that I see is everyone is rushing around the town in a hurry. There is people dancing in the streets and people eating and feeding perhaps their family. The street in the picture is very narrow and the houses are bunched together just like in the research that I’ve done.

  91. In this picture we see the aspect of happiness and cheer in the middle ages. We can see people dancing, playing music, and even drinking. It seems that in this picture the people of that village are having a party.

  92. I see a man in tights and with a coat on. The is graving a woman hand. I see many people trading and playing music. I see people kissing, pulling into other peoples houses, some people running, and dancing.

  93. In the picture I see people having fun, running around, playing a version of the bag pipe, and drinking. I think that they are not always working and that some times they do enjoy it.

  94. i see people dancing and eating and everyone kind of looks like they are in a hurry because they are running. maybe the church bells rang for someone coming to attack so that’s why everyone is in a rush and running.

  95. what do i think life was in the middle ages i think it must of started off horrible and other things but the way people lived was on to their own life and they had to survive the whole way until they met death if the black death didnt kill them then it was the world

  96. i think that medieval life was not as tense as we brought it out to be i think that they did not worry so much about their problems every second of every day i think they enjoyed what they had as a town that always came through just barely. i think that the town and village people might have been just fine without the worry that we thought they tried to deal with soooo much.

  97. how life was different in the middle ages is they ate bread and other stuff like that or stuff that where simple like weat and flower they usedto make stuff like bread

  98. I see a festive aspect of medieval life in the picture shown above. Almost as if there is a dance, or some sort of party going on. First off, the person with the instrument seems to be playing some kind of instrument. Second, there are some people drinking some sort of beverage. Also, several people are dancing together in couples, and more and more are being pulled into this atmosphere. This is the evidence for my hypothesis that I wrote earlier in this paragraph.

  99. i think that i see a picture from after the war and that they are celebrating…i say that because there are people playing instruments and people dancing

  100. There life looks like they buzy all the time. It shows like that are prectecting them. Its looks like a small town were there is a lot of comunication and that they are the persons who share cause they are all in the same leval they are all the same no one is better. They did have that much money to buy new cloths or the cloths that the persons from the Castle use.

  101. In my research I found that they were very into art and music in the middle ages. And the picture above, you can find them dancing, and you can also see a man holding a pot. The pot he held I thought represented the art of pottery. You can also find a (painted) town building in the background, and also a few other buildings.

  102. The life like in the Middle Ages was difficult, because people has to work in farm every day. They pay a lot of taxes and give the food they harvest to their king.
    The aspect of medieval I see was people were eating, some people were dancing and other people holding their instruments.

  103. In the painting it doesn’t seem like the peoples that live in the village part of the manor aren’t that bad there are people dancing, eating, playing instruments, talking, and a couple kissing .

  104. The aspect of medieval life I see is based on this picture is that the people are having a party or festival. In the picture it looks like they are having fun. There is a man and woman on the right side dancing and there are a lot of people on the left side talking.

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